Sunday, September 18, 2011


Cameron's full name is Robert Cameron Mitchell
He was born in February 15th 1989
Come from Colleyville, Texas
His father is Pastor from Texas, and he is christian
Cameeron have girlfriend, her name is Macy Malfoy. in 12 (or13) September 2011 is their 2nd anniversarry
In his iPod, what we would see in his list song are Adele, The Black Keys, Keane, Passion Pit, and Sondre Lerche
Cameron's favorite vacation spot is Miami, because lost of sun for his white skin
First concert he ever went to Styx/Foreigner/Kansas
Cameron is a natural musician
Up until six months ago, had never taken a singgle music lesson
The singer that he admire most is Chris Martin, because he has great control, writes beautifully, and has an amazing head voice
His favorite Glee Character is Artie because of his nerd appeal and his pipes
Cameron have his own page in wikipedia
Cameron said that is zodiac sign is pisces, but pisces is star from 19Feb-20March
After singing N'Sync on a karaoke machine, he knew it's what he wanted to be perfomer
His favorite song are "My Love" by Paul McCartney and Wings. Also "Fix You" by Coldplay, but "Blackbird" by The Beatles to
Cameron really want to come Australia because he think he was born to be an Aussie
Ellis and Cameron are the first of the contenders to enter the house
He's been performing in amateur shows for four years
In high school, Cameron was hated by all the guys but loved by all the girls
Cameron grew up loving the Beatles
Cameron have sensitive skin
Most embarrassing moment for him is when he forgot to tip a valet man, and he yelled at cam
Cameron's biggest dream is go on tour with Coldplay, The Beatles, and U2
His favorite food are fried chiken, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, and biscuits
If he could meet anyone in the world, he want to meet Paul McCartney because he's a pioneer and the sparked his love for music